Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A Thousand Reasons to Smile...

"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile". ~unknown

I always choose the 🌞 yellow 🌞 balls or game pieces. I turned mine over after I picked it up the other day and was delighted to find it smiling at me!!!! Just look at how beautiful it is!!! Beat up by life and far from perfect, with a smile that's reflected on my face every time I look at it. 😉 We drove "home" (back to our little house here at Give Kids The World) last night after theme parking all day, and the neighborhood was full of other families fulfilling their dream trips....families who are here because one of their most precious treasures has fought or is fighting a life threatening illness. A whole village full of smiles that have been hard fought for. It makes me tear up to think about it...and smile all the way down to the deepest part of me....and then tear up again, thinking of & hoping for happier & healthier days ahead for those sweet faces. And hoping for the same for my own most precious treasures. Life is hard. It can beat you up like you never imagined. Everything in it, and every day is uncertain, whether you realize it or not. Always choose to smile & make the most of every little moment, every chance you get. It will make you beautiful in the ways that won't fade if you let it. ❤

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