Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Multitude Monday......on Wednesday: Gifts 321 - 334

If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get.  ~Frank A. Clark

321.  Another room completed....almost =)

322.  A very clean house....if I tie my children to the dining room chairs and my husband to his "throne" in front of the TV, do you think I can make it last more than a day ????

323.  A very organized utility/laundry room....I thought of painting it, too, in the hopes that making it prettier would inspire my family to stop treating it as the-room-we-can-throw-everything-into-any-which-way-it-lands-because-no-one-but-us-ever-sees-it, but decided all other rooms have priority.  If these people who live with me don't respect my hard work and effort this time , I may consider selling them on ebay. { <--------- totally kidding, please do not call the authorities}

324.  My little house on the cul-de-sac packed with loud, hyper kids and ♥sweet friends♥....

325. help us celebrate the 4th of July.....

326. the fireworks show on the Riverwalk.....although, I have to admit I often enjoy watching the kids' reactions more than the fireworks =)

327.  Wisdom to make more potato salad, baked beans, corn-on-the-cob, and banana pudding than we that last night all I had to do was marinate & prepare.....

328.  Some amazing chicken on the grill!!

329.  Planned leftovers = easy night for the chef  ; )

330.  Our land of liberty, which allows us to....

331.  Live freely,

332.  Love freely,

333. and WORSHIP freely

334. under the provision of the God that I trust....regardless of circumstances, regardless of the unknown to come, regardless of anything... ♥

Praying for my country today, it's leaders, and it's future.....

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 
~ 2 Chronicles 7:14


Rebecca said...

Thanks for linking up....and I totally get the comments about a clean house! I say...send them outside for two hours....for those two hours, your house will be totally clean...and when they return, they'll be too tired...but happy! WIn-Win! Love your sweet heart and thank you for your sweet comments...they really mean a lot!

Unknown said...

Oh, a clean house - I find it hard to believe that I can clean a room for an hour and my girls can destroy it in less than 10 minutes. Somehow there must be a way to balance!!

Alida Sharp said...

love you photos and such a great list!

Closer to Lucy said...

Great list!

Lucy is out hopping. Come on by when you get a chance Closer to Lucy

Jennifer said...

After you finish cleaning and organizing your house and get rid of that headache, I need for you to come help me reclaim my house!

I like watching the kids watching the fireworks more than the fireworks too! :)