Christian || Single Mom || Certified Personal Trainer || Virtual Coach || Runner || Believer in total fitness & well being:: Mind, Body, Heart & Soul || Eternal optimist || Conservative free spirit || Etsy-er
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Your challenge for the day:: GO VOTE & be thankful that you still live in a country where yours matters!!
THEN, apologize if you've acted like a jacka$$ during this election to someone you claim to be friends with or care about....or even to anyone you don't ...and learn to allow others to have opinions that may differ from yours without being immature, hateful & nasty about it!!!
THEN, shut yo face, quit attacking & tearing each other other apart on social media, & get off your butt & do something to make the world a better place instead!!! If you want to make America a country you're proud to be in....it starts with YOU.
#WEthePeople #ThisIsHowWeAdult
Monday, November 7, 2016
Downtown Running
Make-up location plank challenge because I forgot to do it yesterday.... Short because 1.) Metal slatted benches hurt!!!! 2.) I was in run mode, short on time.....and had no patience left 😉. Got a cool pic of that blue sky, tho....👍
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Operation Christmas Child
How many Jills does it take to make a Sunday School class extra fantabulous??? Just one.....but they're stuck with me, too!! 😉😂. We're name twinsies!!! 😁😁 And this beauty in purple has the SWEETEST disposition, always a smile and a hug to give....& crazy awesome drawing skills!!! She has at least one gift of her drawing talents that she gives to someone every week....and takes special requests!! 😍
And, the fact that this is our last week to turn in our Operation Christmas Child boxes has me thinking I should probably let go of my denial of what time of year it is! 😂😂. These boxes will go to 6 sweet girls in a place where things like pencils, soap, toothpaste & toothbrushes are the kind of treasures that will make a child's day. ❤
Another challenge for you today:: consider giving to a charity this holiday season that will bless those who have so much less than we do. Things that cost us little could bless someone beyond measure!! 🎄🎁🎄
Be an Audrey....
Saturday, November 5, 2016
The Victory is in the Smile...
The eyes say....I feel like crap today.
The smile says....I still win. :P
But that stretch workout left me on the floor for the last move....and whatever I'm fighting is trying to catch up. I think I'm stuck, lol...
5 Miles with Marathon High
Friday, November 4, 2016
Be Sweaty. Be Strong. Find your Beautiful.
Paraphrasing what someone wrote when posting her sweaty post-workout selfie in one of the online fitness groups I'm in..."I've never thought of myself as pretty and have never felt good about myself in general, but I feel beautiful after a work out when I'm sweaty and gross & my hair and make-up's a total mess, and I can't believe I'm saying this"!!!
Yeah. Me, too....
I is smart. ❤
I is kind. ❤
I is important. ❤
YOU IS, TOO!! 😘😘
I is also sweaty. 😉 ❤
I is strong. 😉 ❤
Healthy choices, consistently made, change a lot more than a number on a scale or the size you wear. Those other changes.....THAT'S where you find your true & lasting be-YOU-tiful. ❤ #FlexFriday
I is smart. ❤
I is kind. ❤
I is important. ❤
YOU IS, TOO!! 😘😘
I is also sweaty. 😉 ❤
I is strong. 😉 ❤
Healthy choices, consistently made, change a lot more than a number on a scale or the size you wear. Those other changes.....THAT'S where you find your true & lasting be-YOU-tiful. ❤ #FlexFriday
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Plankety Plank :)
Marathon High 3 miles
Not my normal pace 😉 ....99% of these kids have never run before starting this program & I was coaching the 11-12 min/mile group today!! And I refuse to buy myself a Garmin until I can get the one I really want 😍....every time I think about it, my kids need to go on a trip or some unexpected expense arrives and I can't bring myself to spend the $$ on....me!! BUT, I did get this one for Jacob & he never uses it, so I "borrowed" it for coaching the kids. I think he might not get it back until I finally get mine!! 😉
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Why Wednesday...
#WhyWednesday Photo Collage Challenge
✔cross training workout selfie:: Focus T25 Ab Intervals - in and out of planks & plank variations for 25 min.!!
✔healthy meal:: 21 Day Fixed Healthy Breakfast Burrito...or...taco ;)
✔Shake-O...w/ almond milk, spinach & cinnamon
▶▶▶Why.....Am I in the group? As a coach:: To help others!!! And for my own accountability needs (this is where I cross train)....and for the relationships that form because of it.
▶▶▶Why...Do I want to be healthy? active? fit? Because healthy and strong feels a heck of a lot better than the alternative!! To be able to LIVE life to it's fullest..... a life that I ENJOY living. So that I can go on whatever adventures I decide to do next. :) To make my outside match my inside. ;) Because taking care of myself in this way produces the natural byproduct of taking care of myself in other areas, too...
▶▶▶And....why do I post this here?? To give you a glimpse of the fun parts of what goes on in challenge groups....the games that allow us to connect with each other and build more than just health & fitness knowledge, but through the interactions and comments, etc...build friendships...with sometimes team work, sometimes friendly competition....ALWAYS including laughter, encouragement, etc. & all the little things that bond us into a #FitFam And, if a challenge group isn't right for you, right now.....then, to encourage you to take even the smallest step in that healthy direction, in whatever way it may be for you TODAY.
Contact me for info on how YOU could benefit from a virtual challenge group, too!! You don't have to do it alone! =)
<3 .....="" a="" and....="" at="" extra="" first="" for="" get="" group="" href="http://www.mylivesignature.com/" i="" in="" light="" make-up="" no="" orrynotsorry="" out="" points="" posting="" publicly="" re="" s="" selfies="" should="" stuck="" sun="" target="_blank" the="" these="" ugly="" when="" with="" work="" you="">3>
✔cross training workout selfie:: Focus T25 Ab Intervals - in and out of planks & plank variations for 25 min.!!
✔healthy meal:: 21 Day Fixed Healthy Breakfast Burrito...or...taco ;)
✔Shake-O...w/ almond milk, spinach & cinnamon
▶▶▶Why.....Am I in the group? As a coach:: To help others!!! And for my own accountability needs (this is where I cross train)....and for the relationships that form because of it.
▶▶▶Why...Do I want to be healthy? active? fit? Because healthy and strong feels a heck of a lot better than the alternative!! To be able to LIVE life to it's fullest..... a life that I ENJOY living. So that I can go on whatever adventures I decide to do next. :) To make my outside match my inside. ;) Because taking care of myself in this way produces the natural byproduct of taking care of myself in other areas, too...
▶▶▶And....why do I post this here?? To give you a glimpse of the fun parts of what goes on in challenge groups....the games that allow us to connect with each other and build more than just health & fitness knowledge, but through the interactions and comments, etc...build friendships...with sometimes team work, sometimes friendly competition....ALWAYS including laughter, encouragement, etc. & all the little things that bond us into a #FitFam And, if a challenge group isn't right for you, right now.....then, to encourage you to take even the smallest step in that healthy direction, in whatever way it may be for you TODAY.
Contact me for info on how YOU could benefit from a virtual challenge group, too!! You don't have to do it alone! =)
<3 .....="" a="" and....="" at="" extra="" first="" for="" get="" group="" href="http://www.mylivesignature.com/" i="" in="" light="" make-up="" no="" orrynotsorry="" out="" points="" posting="" publicly="" re="" s="" selfies="" should="" stuck="" sun="" target="_blank" the="" these="" ugly="" when="" with="" work="" you="">3>
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Fluff Nugget Planking...
6:00.30 front elbow plank ✔ with this fluff nugget playing footsie with me the whole time!!!
I'm TIRED & tried to give myself an excused absence, but I'm not very good at that...thought I'd maybe last till 3 min, but I hung on for dear life out of stubbornness 😉.....cat trying to knock me off my toes & all!!!
Tacky Tuesday....
....when two obligations collide....
First obligation:: It's Tacky Tuesday in my Beachbody Virtual Challenge Group!! We have & give out these assignments for fun, you know....because #FitFams ARE fun!! ;)
Tacky Tuesday photo collage::
(1.) pic of your <3 Shake-O <3
(2.) pic of a healthy meal from your day <3
(3.) pic of yourself doing your Beachbody workout (T25 Total Body plus Stretch) in the tackiest active wear you've got ;) . I was thinking the best I could do was wear mismatched clothes....but....
<3 .="" 2nd="" :="" a="" active="" am="" attire...specifically="" beachbody="" best="" bet="" body="" br="" can="" clothes....but....="" could="" day="" do="" doing="" ever="" fan="" friend="" from="" gator="" gators="" georgia="" good="" got="" has="" have="" healthy="" i="" in="" it="" lost="" m="" making="" me="" meal="" media="" mismatched="" more="" my="" no="" not="" obligation::="" of="" on="" one="" or="" pic="" plus="" post="" really="" s="" saturday="" say="" shake-o="" sites="" social="" sport.="" stretch="" supposed="" tackiest="" tacky="" than="" the="" thinking="" to="" total="" ve="" was="" wear="" wearing="" what="" workout="" you="" your="" yourself="">
<3 .="" 2nd="" :="" a="" active="" am="" attire...specifically="" beachbody="" best="" bet="" body="" can="" clothes....but....="" could="" day="" do="" doing="" ever="" fan="" friend="" from="" gator="" gators="" georgia="" good="" got="" has="" have="" healthy="" href="http://www.mylivesignature.com/" i="" in="" it="" lost="" m="" making="" me="" meal="" media="" mismatched="" more="" my="" no="" not="" obligation::="" of="" on="" one="" or="" pic="" plus="" post="" really="" s="" saturday="" say="" shake-o="" sites="" social="" sport.="" stretch="" supposed="" tackiest="" tacky="" target="_blank" than="" the="" thinking="" to="" total="" ve="" was="" wear="" wearing="" what="" workout="" you="" your="" yourself="">3>3>
Tacky Tuesday photo collage::
(1.) pic of your <3 Shake-O <3
(2.) pic of a healthy meal from your day <3
(3.) pic of yourself doing your Beachbody workout (T25 Total Body plus Stretch) in the tackiest active wear you've got ;) . I was thinking the best I could do was wear mismatched clothes....but....
The 2nd obligation:: I lost a bet on Saturday to a friend & am supposed to post a pic to my social media sites of me wearing Gator attire...specifically, has to say Gators or have the Gator on it!! :'( What's more TACKY than making a Georgia fan wear a Gator?!?!
No one can ever say I'm not a really, REALLY good sport. ;)
<3 .="" 2nd="" :="" a="" active="" am="" attire...specifically="" beachbody="" best="" bet="" body="" can="" clothes....but....="" could="" day="" do="" doing="" ever="" fan="" friend="" from="" gator="" gators="" georgia="" good="" got="" has="" have="" healthy="" href="http://www.mylivesignature.com/" i="" in="" it="" lost="" m="" making="" me="" meal="" media="" mismatched="" more="" my="" no="" not="" obligation::="" of="" on="" one="" or="" pic="" plus="" post="" really="" s="" saturday="" say="" shake-o="" sites="" social="" sport.="" stretch="" supposed="" tackiest="" tacky="" target="_blank" than="" the="" thinking="" to="" total="" ve="" was="" wear="" wearing="" what="" workout="" you="" your="" yourself="">3>3>
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