Monday, January 10, 2011

Multitude Monday: 1,000 Gifts 83 - 93

Still numb from a persistently aggravating week last week  followed by an even more discouraging weekend, I hadn't planned to do a post today.  I like to keep my discouraged, down-in-the-dumps, woe-is-me, nobody-likes-me-everybody-hates-me bad moods to myself.  BUT, then I remembered that it's Multitude Monday.... and several things to be thankful for kept cropping up in my mind. 

Have you ever noticed the breathtaking, simplistic beauty of the flowers growing amongst the weeds on the side of a road as you pass by on your way to wherever-it-is-your-going?  That's what my GIFT list makes me think of today.....stubborn flowers of thankfulness that grow heartily ~ in spite of all the ugliness around them as if to say, "I'll be dadgum - you won't get the best of me!"

So, in that spirit......

83. Things crossed off that overwhelming to-do list

84. A new ceiling fan....actually OUT of the box and ATTACHED to the ceiling ~ and working!

85.  Strong wills ~  they're not always a bad thing ; )

86.  Footsteps pounding happily on the asphalt outside in between rain showers

87.  Cold, cloudy rainy days ~ they're sometimes good for the soul

88.  Rooibos Caramel and Mate Vana blend from Teavana, sweetened with....

89.  .....Local organic Wildflower honey

90.  Lavender ~ for so many reasons, but currently for soothing an aching ear

91.  Friends who say they'll pray for you.....

92.  .....and the ones who REALLY do ♥

93.  "When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
         When sorrows like sea billows roll,
         Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
         It is well, it is well, with my soul."

holy experience


Heidi said...

Ah, I'm sorry you've had a rough week, I hope that you discovered Him in the midst of it all and I hope today is looking up! I love your gratitude list... #69, 70 and 74-76... I love that song, so much it helps transition us from our sad perspective to His perfect one. Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

Sorry that you are a little blue...but what a wonderful list of blessings! I love the song "It is Well with My Soul" and often find myslef humming it :)

Blessings to you!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet lady, know that it is not just you. Some of us have to be reminded of our Father's blessings, to be more thankful. Have a beautiful, not so blue day! God Bless!