Monday, July 14, 2014

Another VBS Story....

Playing the waiting game while Ashlyn waits for her PET scan....& while I do, I have another VBS story to tell....this one is Jacob's. I can't share his sister's w/out sharing his. ;)

Before this latest crisis rocked our world like never before, we had already gone thru & were/are still going thru some TOUGH STUFF in other areas of life......and there was a boy last week that seemed to seek Jacob out, to want to hang out with During rec one day, they sat & the boy shared some things that he was dealing with in his family. Jacob then shared some of what we have been through, giving the boy someone he felt could understand and relate. Before the convo was over, this boy prayed to receive Christ. ♥

I have claimed many verses for me personally, but Romans 8:28 has been one that I have given my kids most often as I've tried to point out each and every example of God's goodness & provision, tried to tell them to hold on tight to Jesus because He will use them in ways He couldn't have before if they will let Him & give it all to Him ~~ the good, the bad & the ugly. None of these stories that I post are intended so that I can hear things like "you're a good mom" (I fail at that repeatedly & continually!!!!) or how sweet and great my kids are (although I wld agree with that one!!!). It's really not about us at's about how GOOD He is, abt how much it blessed my heart to hear that they are starting to see these things for see Romans 8:28 come alive for them & to see them feel that they CAN make a difference & ARE being used by Him. It's about nothing but the GOODNESS of God, abt seeing His hand at work.....making beauty from ashes & giving purpose in the midst of the pain. ♥


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